использовать её без иксов не выйдет.

требуется платформа плагинов qt platform plugin
одна из

1. eglfs            Uses the OpenGL ES in fullscreen mode. There's no other way since OpenGL has no concept of a window manager.
2. linuxfb         Uses the linux frame buffer in fullscreen mode. There's no other way since linuxfb has no concept of a window manager.
3. minimal
4. minimalegl
5. offscreen ---Renders to an offscreen buffer. Useful for rendering to custom displays.
6. vnc
7. xcb             Runs on an X11 server and is integrated into the X11 windowing environment

в репозитории есть
deepin-qt5dxcb-plugin 5.0.1-3 Qt platform plugins for DDE
deepin-qt5integration 5.0.0-4 Qt platform theme integration plugins for DDE


you can export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=eglfs (or linuxfb) on the target to avoid setting the platform everytime you invoke the application.